Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Basic Policy

Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing (SMFL) is working to create an organization that respects individuals and makes use of their individuality as an organizational strength.

Work Style Transformation

Our company is promoting the creation of a work environment in which each employee can make the most of his or her abilities.

SMFL was awarded 4 stars in the 7th Nikkei Smart Work Management survey conducted by Nikkei Inc.

Smart Work Management refers to maximizing the potential of workers through varied and flexible work styles, and developing strategies to maximize productivity and the broader performance of the organization using positive feedback loops, thereby fostering innovation and new market development. (Five-star scale).

Company-wide targets and internal penetration

In order to ensure healthy working hours for employees, SMFL has established "SMFL Smart Work Target" every year, which is a company-wide target for working hours and promoting the acquisition of paid leave.

We conducted "Working management courses" for managers, as the diversification of work styles accelerates due to the permeation of flextime work and remote work.

We are also working to permeate through employee who have a proper understanding of working management and an appropriate management practice.

Flexibility of working hours (expansion of flextime system)

The flextime system (no core time) allows employees to work flexibly at their own convenience. Besides, shorter working hours system and staggered working hours system are available for employee raising children.

As of March 2023, approximately 80% of employees were working flextime (no core time).

Flexibility of work location (development of remote work environment)

ZXY satellite office service

As part of its efforts to improve the remote working environment, SMFL has distributed mobile PCs and smartphones to all employees in an effort to create an environment where employees can work flexibly from home.

In addition to the office, employees can work at home, at a relative's home within the second degree, or at a satellite office.

Health and Productivity Management Declaration

One of the pillars of Our Vision is "Encourage employee development" SMFL creates an environment in which motivated and diverse employees can play an active role to their fullest potential, supports the challenge of each and every employee, and strives to be a company that grows together.

In order to achieve this, we believe that the health of employees and their families is of the utmost importance.

To share and realize this significance with all employees, SMFL declares in "SMFL Health and Productivity Management Declaration" that we will implement health and productivity management that enables each and every employee to maintain and promote health, take on challenges, and grow.

Organogram of Health and Productivity Management Declaration

Organogram of Health and Productivity Management Declaration

Support for Work-Life Balance

SMFL is enhancing various programs and supporting employees who work while balancing childcare, nursing care and medical care so that they can work with peace of mind.

Support for Childcare

SMFL has not only a parental leave, but also a leave for taking care of sick children that can be used in case of sudden illness.

Employees can take "leave for taking care of sick children system" by the hour. We also provide career support through "follow-up training for employees returning from childcare leave" and individual interviews before and after maternity leave.

We have received “Platinum Kurumin” certification from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a childcare support which is particularly outstanding among companies proactive in supporting the development of the next generation.

Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.(PDF : 12KB)

東北営業部 丸山さん
Junpei Maruyama, Senior Staff, Tohoku Business Dept. (family member)

I took short-term childcare leave for the birth of my first child. Due to concerns the coronavirus infection, I took a leave to coincide with my wife's childbirth. Thanks to that, I was able to spend precious time with my family soon after birth.

In terms of operations, I was able to smoothly carry out my work by having colleagues sharing the work. Even after my returning to work, I was able to concentrate on sales activities with a refreshed mind. As everyone in the company understood the short-term childcare leave system, I was able to concentrate on my work. Thank you very much.

Support for Nursing care

In addition to the leave system necessary for long-term nursing care, we have also established "nursing care leave system" that can be used in the same way as paid leave. We provide support from the beginning of the nursing step-by-step.

At "Balancing work and nursing care seminar", we invite experts from outside to provide general information on nursing care and advice on balancing work and nursing care.

Support for Treatment

We are expanding our "life support leave" and other leave systems so that employees with disease can concentrate on attending hospital and on recuperation with peace of mind.

We are also strengthening our support system by cooperating with industrial physicians and medical institutions.

Active roles for diverse employees

SMFL aims to be an organization that utilizes the strengths of each individual, and supports the growth of diverse personnel to develop their individuality.

Recruiting and developing global personnel

We are focusing on recruiting and developing personnel who can play an active role in global business.

In terms of development, we support the acquisition of skills that are suitable for global business through the "Overseas language dispatch program", in which students acquire language skills at the business level, and the "Overseas business trainee program", in which students gain work experience overseas.

Women's empowerment

One of the important themes of our management strategy is the promotion of women's empowerment.

To support the development of a continuous career while maintaining balance with life events, we provide internal training for female leaders, training for female managers, and dispatching female employees to external training.

As a company that Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, we have received the 2 Star “Eruboshi" certification from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.

SMFG, a shareholder in our company, has been a member of 30% Club Japan since fiscal 2021.

Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.(PDF : 13KB)

Activities of Sexual minorities

To create a workplace environment in which sexual minority employees, including LGBTQ people, can play an active role, we have established employment rules and specialized consultation desks that allow same-sex partners to work equally with their spouses.

We also hold study sessions to promote a better understanding of our employees and our company participates in various SMBC Group events.

We received the highest evaluation of "Gold" for the fourth consecutive year in the "PRIDE Index", an evaluation of LGBTQ initiatives conducted by the General Incorporated Foundation “work with Pride”.

Activities of Seniors

As we enter the era of 100 years of life, it is increasingly important for each individual to think about his or her long-term career.

Considering this situation, we have expanded our work options, including the "Work-Life Challenge system" (working on 12 days a month) and short-time flextime for nursing care, so that aspiring senior employees can choose careers that will enable them to play an active role for a longer period of time, as well as a variety of careers throughout their lives.

We also conduct a variety of training programs, such as "Career Management Training", to help employees develop their own careers.

Activities of Persons with disabilities

Our company strives to create a comfortable working environment so that each and every employee can fully demonstrate his or her abilities.

In order to promote and stabilize the employment of people with disabilities, we work with Human Resources department and industrial physicians, conduct regular personnel interviews, and assign and work assignments that take into account their particular characteristics.

As of March 1, 2023, the ratio of employees with disabilities met the legal requirement, and we will continue to provide support.


Achievements related to job satisfaction (providing women workers with opportunities for working life)

Ratio of female employees to the total workforce (Managerial career track) 45.2%
(Non-managerial career track) 100%
*Recruitment of new university graduates only
Ratio of successful applicants to all applicants by gender in recruitment (Managerial career track) Male: 87.1X, Female: 36.3X
(Non-managerial career track) Male: -, Female: 40.4X
*Recruitment of new university graduates only
Ratio of female employees to the total workforce (Managerial career track) 13.3%
(Specialists) 16.4%
(Non-managerial career track) 99.1%
Ratio of female managers to all managers 13.9%
*Data aggregation: As of May 2024
Switching of career track or employment status by gender Switching of career track
0 men, 1 women
*Non-managerial career track → Managerial career track: 1 women
Reemployment or mid-career recruitment by gender Mid-career recruitment
36 men, 10 women
*Managerial career track: 22 men, 8 woman; Specialists: 14 men, 2 woman ; Non-managerial career track: 0 men, 0 women
  • *Scope of data: Non-consolidated; Data aggregation: As of March 2024

Achievements related to ease of working (development of an employment environment that contributes to balancing work life and family life)

Number of average years of service by gender (Managerial career track) Male: 16.6 years, Female: 9.5 years
(Specialists) Male: 5.7 years, Female: 3.5 years
(Non-managerial career track) Male: 6.3 years, Female: 14.4 years
Ratio of employees taking childcare leave by gender Childcare leave
Male: 100%, Female: 100%
*Including employees who took non-statutory childcare leave unique to SMFL
Average overtime per month per employee (Regular employees) 7.8 hours
Measures for rectifying long working hours No-overtime day, setting of Smart Work targets (setting of targets for overtime hours and taking of paid holidays), attendance system equipped with log check function
Average overtime per month by job category (Managerial career track) 10.9 hours
(Non-managerial career track) 1.3 hours
Ratio of consumption of paid holidays (Managerial career track) 86.0%
(Non-managerial career track) 90.5%
  • *Scope of data: Non-consolidated; Data aggregation: As of March 2024