Respect for Human Rights

SMFL Group Human Rights Policy


As stated in the SMFL Way, Sumitomo Mitsui Finance & Leasing (SMFL) Group is “committed to contributing broadly to the sustainable growth of our customers and society.” Underpinning this stance is Our Principle: “As a trusted and responsible corporate citizen committed to meeting and exceeding its customers’ expectations, SMFL is committed to - at all times - acting in good faith and complying with all applicable laws.” In order to achieve this goal, we have developed a Human Rights Policy and are promoting initiatives under the policy to respect the human rights of all officers and employees of SMFL Group, as well as all persons directly or indirectly affected by our business activities.

SMFL Group commits to respect human rights based on international standards, such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as the Government of Japan’s Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains. We also draw on International Standard ISO 26000 and the Children's Rights and Business Principles.

Having endorsed the United Nations Global Compact, SMFL Group will cooperate with suppliers and customers and engage in dialogue and collaboration with the relevant stakeholders to fulfill our expected responsibility of respecting human rights.

Scope of Application of the Policy

All officers and employees of SMFL Group will fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights. In addition, we encourage our suppliers and business partners to accept, understand and practice this policy so that we can work together to fulfill our social responsibilities, including respect for human rights in the relevant value chain.

Relevant Laws

SMFL Group will comply with national and regional laws and regulations applicable to its group operations. When those laws and regulations are incompatible with internationally recognized human rights, we will seek to employ measures to respect international human rights norms.

Roles and Responsibilities

This Human Rights Policy has been reviewed and approved by the Management Committee. Moreover, with respect to the measures necessary to promote the sustainability of SMFL Group, including initiatives to respect human rights, we are working to enhance our corporate governance and management frameworks, for example through regular reporting on these measures to the SDGs Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the President.

Human Rights Due Diligence

SMFL Group strives to identify and to prevent or mitigate any adverse impact on human rights through the application of human rights due diligence processes. Where we identify that our group’s practices have caused or contributed to an adverse impact on human rights, we will endeavor to take appropriate remedial measures.

Our Employees

SMFL Group strives to provide employees with a workplace free from forced labor, harassment, and human rights violations such as discrimination related to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, nationality, disability, or family status. SMFL Group also strives to ensure that its recruitment and career progression processes are free from any such discrimination, and respects freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Our Compliance Policy also clearly states that we respect all people, including employees, and will not engage in discrimination or harassment.

Our Clients

SMFL Group will fulfill its responsibility to promote respect for human rights by showing respect for human rights through its own behavior and by sharing its ethos with clients.

Our Suppliers

SMFL Group will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights throughout its supply chain. SMFL Group requires suppliers not only to comply with the laws and regulations applicable in each country where it does business, but also to understand and cooperate with standards that SMFL Group considers as appropriate, taking into account human rights.

Education for Respecting Human Rights

SMFL Group promotes appropriate awareness-raising activities for SMFL Group officers and employees so that this Human Rights Policy is understood and effectively implemented.

Information Disclosure

SMFL Group will appropriately disclose information about our efforts to respect human rights.

Response to the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015

Based on the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act 2015, enacted in 2015, SMFL Group discloses the Modern Slavery Statement.
